If you're thinking that you don't need to check the SEO on your website, think again.The easiest way to find out about a product or service is most likely, your website. Especially since the pandemic, businesses are moving online rather than solely store ...
INM/Creative101 has an e-commerce solution for you whether you have 2 products or 2000.Our solutions will match your needs.Some of the features we can include on your e-commerce store:product catalogueaccess to your inventory and pricingcustomize categories, ...
Starting a new business? Creative101 can give you a great look!Logo design, branding, business cards, website, social media, etc... all the things you'll need to get going. Industrial NetMedia/Creative101 can help you put all the pieces together!One of ...
To offset the costs as a direct result of COVID-19.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
$5000 grant for website updates or e-commerce, during COVID-19Canada United Small Business Relief FundThe Canadian government recognizes that some businesses are experiencing difficulty during the COVID-19 pandemic.The Federal Government, RBC, and Canada ...
Design for great content, as well as Visual Appeal! Help that 'stale banana' look new again and add in some new 'fruits', while you're at it! keep it fresh Your website is a representation of your business. Therefore, it ...
Industrial NetMedia's new Creative101 brand! The name Creative101 is much more descriptive and memorable when you think of creative design and websites. We have launched our new website and Facebook page, so please check it out and tell your friends ...
Don't make your customers fight to buy your products or services! This past weekend I was trying to make an online purchase for some camping gear I had found on sale. I'd been researching for a long time, and had finally figured out ...
How your website helps your business behind the scenes
Monday, June 17, 2019
Your business 'online presence' needs Facebook AND a great website! In this age of social media, it's pretty common for businesses to think that having a Facebook page is the same as having a website. After all, it gives ...
FINALLY. Say, Hello to Creative101, a new creative concept in internet marketing and graphic design! It's been a long time coming, but we're so excited to announce our new project! Over the course of the last year, ...
How is your business going to handle 2018? As we dip a toe into 2018, Alberta businesses face a lot of uncertainty due to significant changes in the small business landscape by various levels of government. These include: New federal tax rules which impact ...
Card quality and design speak volumes about you and your business
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Many of us recall our first business card. It was thrilling to receive the validation provided by these tangible, tradeable, mini-documents which affirmed our relationship with our employer. We were impressed with our cool cards because we knew ...
One of the "must have" elements on your website should be a photo gallery! A great Home page, Contact page, your products and services, make your website productive. However, the smart money says a Photo Gallery is "picture perfect". Here ...
Get these marketing materials working for your business
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Do I need a Blog? So there you are in cyberspace with your website ready to enthrall and entertain with its beautifully displayed, original, top quality content. You have an eye-catching rotating image banner on your Home Page, a Photo Gallery, a Testimonial ...
Believe it or not, bad social media reviews are not something to be afraid of. Embrace them and the opportunity that they present. Yes, they can be a good thing. At Industrial NetMedia, we have built hundreds of websites and encourage all of our clients ...
Social Media Marketing can help your business connect with your customers. Most business people know their products and processes inside and out but may be weak in other important areas. For example, social media wasn't even a thing until the last ...
All of our websites will have this feature installed
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
We're helping to reduce spam with new software With all due respect to Hormel, the makers of spiced-ham-in-a-can, most people hate "spam" (annoying, often harmful, unsolicited emails) far more than they do its namesake; the tinned Spam of Monty Python ...
Websites and Marketing, is what we're best at! 2016 was one of the most challenging years to be an entrepreneur in Alberta. With waves of job losses and bankruptcies hitting record levels, you can count yourself a success if you just kept your company ...
We all know a website is the official calling card of the Internet. Your "brand", the new millennium term for your reputation, is closely associated with your company, and your website is an extension of the brand you're trying to establish. It is ...
Your business needs a professionally designed website along with your social media Small business owners know having an online presence, usually on Facebook, is as essential for a company as having an email address. In fact, according to marketing industry ...
The Internet has changed practically everything in the modern world from how we get our news to how we get our groceries. Companies who fail to embrace cyberspace are at a serious disadvantage in the marketplace, however. If your company has no website, ...