If your business does a lot of hiring, you need HR Director!The stakes have never been higher for hiring new employees, providing ongoing workforce monitoring and maintaining morale, while supporting a safe workplace.Adding automation to your Human Resources ...
If you're thinking that you don't need to check the SEO on your website, think again.The easiest way to find out about a product or service is most likely, your website. Especially since the pandemic, businesses are moving online rather than solely store ...
INM/Creative101 has an e-commerce solution for you whether you have 2 products or 2000.Our solutions will match your needs.Some of the features we can include on your e-commerce store:product catalogueaccess to your inventory and pricingcustomize categories, ...
You may be wondering what Responsive Website Design is or why it's so important...Basically, responsive design refers to your website viewing properly on all devices. Websites will typically be designed to be viewed on a desktop computer but it won't ...
HR Director: The right solution for the oilfield industry.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Online Human Resources Software for Crew Management.Get ready to be excited once again about what Human Resources software can do for you. HR Director is an affordable, easy-to-learn suite of applications created on the principle of simplicity. You will ...
Sure, you COULD design your own website, but why would you?Let's walk through our process to show you why you should hire a professional graphic design company.First things first...During the interview process, we want to learn about your company.What ...
Design for great content, as well as Visual Appeal! Help that 'stale banana' look new again and add in some new 'fruits', while you're at it! keep it fresh Your website is a representation of your business. Therefore, it ...
Happy Birthday Google! Leaving the Teen Years Behind It's hard to believe folks have only been "googling" for not quite two decades. Despite its tender years, it seems that Google, like the Internet as a whole, has always been a part of our ...
All of our websites will have this feature installed
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
We're helping to reduce spam with new software With all due respect to Hormel, the makers of spiced-ham-in-a-can, most people hate "spam" (annoying, often harmful, unsolicited emails) far more than they do its namesake; the tinned Spam of Monty Python ...
Websites and Marketing, is what we're best at! 2016 was one of the most challenging years to be an entrepreneur in Alberta. With waves of job losses and bankruptcies hitting record levels, you can count yourself a success if you just kept your company ...
Your business needs a professionally designed website along with your social media Small business owners know having an online presence, usually on Facebook, is as essential for a company as having an email address. In fact, according to marketing industry ...
The Internet has changed practically everything in the modern world from how we get our news to how we get our groceries. Companies who fail to embrace cyberspace are at a serious disadvantage in the marketplace, however. If your company has no website, ...
(INM) For a lot of business people, having a website is sort of like having children; they must be a good idea because everyone else has them. Also like newbie parents, these business owners aren't sure how to maximize the potential of their creation. ...
Why doesn't your business have a website? According to numerous studies, between 50 and 60% of small businesses have a website and for the larger players, the figure rises to close to 80%. It has become the most essential marketing tool of the new ...
Photo: Your Website Shouldn't Be Older than Your Computer System
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Catch up with technology! For some businesses, having a website is sort of like having a big ol' wooden sign on their building. They put it up to attract customers and then forget about it until it needs serious repair or even replacement. What they ...
Many reasons to update that old website... As a savvy business person, you're proud your company was an early adopter of the Internet. Unfortunately for you, however, having an older website means it probably requires upgrading and modernization. ...
Industrial NetMedia's Portfolio Pages are as Diverse as their Clientele
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Industrial NetMedia has been creating quality websites since 2002, which is an eternity of experience in cyberspace terms. With over 450 domains in their system and 235 websites built, with more being developed constantly, INM has the experience and the ...
Being the proud owner of a website... Is the first and most important step in creating an Internet marketing strategy for your business, non-profit group or other project. As vital as having a website is, it is only one element of a comprehensive ...
Facebook: Every business should have an account The Platform; There's a Lot to Like Facebook is the grand daddy of social media sites in use today. Created in January of 2004, Facebook garnered its billionth user in 2012, and as of Dec 31 of 2013, ...
LinkedIn: All Business The Platform: No Kidding, It's the Most Serious Social Medium LinkedIn hit the increasingly crowded social media scene in 2003 as a kind of Facebook for business relationships. Much more commerce-focussed than its competitors, ...