If you're thinking that you don't need to check the SEO on your website, think again.The easiest way to find out about a product or service is most likely, your website. Especially since the pandemic, businesses are moving online rather than solely store ...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gets you noticed by the search engines and helps improve your ranking. But it's the titles and descriptions that help convince searchers that your site is the one they have been looking for. A top ranking on the search ...
Maybe your website needs an update? Stale colours, tired designs, outdated information, bad photos and you can never seem to find what you're looking for. If you find your own website boring, confusing or frustrating, imagine how your visitors feel! ...
Do you know what it means to 'bury the lead'? Essentially, it means hiding the most important, interesting or attention-grabbing information somewhere down the page, rather than putting it up front and centre, where it belongs. The phrase has ...
Welcome to Industrial NetMedia (aka INM) According to Wikipedia, a web host is a company that leases out space on a server and provides Internet connectivity to its clients. Industrial NetMedia is a web host that does so much more! INM doesn't just ...