Don't Waste Your Website There are plenty of business leaders currently sizing up the new economic landscape. Their companies were humming along smartly when, suddenly, the bottom fell out of the oil-patch. Seemingly overnight the price for a barrel ...
So you're thinking about having a business website. Part of that process is considering what features you want on it to increase your company's public awareness footprint, optimize visitor engagement, enhance your branding and, of course ultimately, ...
Some new years resolution ideas... With the year-o-dometer turning over, it may be a Very Good Thing to look at our personal inventory of issues and try and improve ones self incrementally with a resolution or two. The same could be said for your business. ...
Websites Designed to be Remembered You have finally bitten the bullet and hired a great website design company to develop an Internet presence for your business. It has cost you a whole lot of time, a whole lot of money or, quite possibly, a whole lot ...
What you should know about SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is more than just the most popular Internet marketing buzzword since the World Wide Web was developed. SEO has, for all practical purposes, become a science. Getting your Google on has ...
Keyword searches are quickly losing ground as the main focus of search engine optimization, for both web content developers and Internet surfers. Google is leading the charge to shift the focus away from keywords towards context. This has been made clear ...
Take control of your website with Site Builder Tools from Industrial NetMedia. "One thing that frustrates me about my website is that I can't update it myself. Every time I need to change something, even if it's minor, I have to go through my ...
The Internet has become the source people turn to most often for news, product reviews and business information. Think about the last time you needed to buy a certain product or wanted to look up a business phone number. Did you dig out the Yellow Pages? ...
Do you know how your business website appears on mobile devices? How important is it to have a website that functions as well on mobile devices as it does on laptops and desktop computers? According to recent statistics from Pew Internet (June 26, 2012), ...
When it comes to Website Design and Search Optimization, you get what you pay for. It's a cliche because it's true. As more and more businesses realize their need for some kind of online presence, the number of options is also increasing ...
Internet Marketing starts with your website When businesses are struggling financially and owners are looking for ways to trim their budgets, the first instinct is often to cut back on advertising and marketing. While understandable, it's a short-sighted ...
Organizations... we have a business product for you! Are you managing a large number of students and classes? Juggling a busy schedule of client meetings? Co-ordinating bookings for a sports field, rec. centre or arena? Let INM build you an online database ...
Did you know INM recently updated Sitebuilder Tools and created several new add-ons to enhance your existing website and bring in new traffic? There are lots of ways INM can boost your existing website, starting with a simple overhaul of the content and ...
Maybe your website needs an update? Stale colours, tired designs, outdated information, bad photos and you can never seem to find what you're looking for. If you find your own website boring, confusing or frustrating, imagine how your visitors feel! ...
Welcome to Industrial NetMedia (aka INM) According to Wikipedia, a web host is a company that leases out space on a server and provides Internet connectivity to its clients. Industrial NetMedia is a web host that does so much more! INM doesn't just ...