Leduc restaurants directory
Your favourite eats are just a click away
List of local restaurants all in one spot!
Ever felt like you had to travel to Edmonton to find a decent restaurant? Did you know there are more than 64 restaurants in Leduc, offering a variety of elegant, fast food, casual and ethnic dining options?
And those numbers are increasing!
What's the easiest way to keep up with Leduc's ever growing 'menu' of restaurants? www.leducrestaurants.com is a brand new directory that lists all of our city's restaurants. Listings include food style, menu items, contact info and links to the restaurant's website and Google map location. Sort the list by name or cuisine to speed up your search on this mobile-friendly website.
www.leducrestaurants.com also includes restaurants from Nisku and from the Edmonton International Airport.
Whatever you're hungry for, find it at www.leducrestaurants.com
Don't see your restaurant in our directory? Visit www.leducrestaurants.com to add your listing or to inquire about advertising opportunities in this directory.